Ride the AI Wave? Yes, or no?


Ride the Artificial Intelligence Wave? 

In recent months, I noticed, and perhaps you have as well, a sudden flow of information about Artificial Intelligence with various degrees of opinions coming from the public and from those who claim to know all about it.

As an affiliate marketer and a writer one can feel almost overwhelmed with the overflow of information weighing on not only about the pros and cons of it, but how best to embrace the opportunities afforded by this technology innovation.

How may I as an individual benefit, how may I quickly learn to use it to my advantage? As with the advent of the internet into the public domain many personal and business opportunities have been realized rewarding millions of users who were lucky enough and positioned to invest into the new online industry.

It’s been said that the twentieth century saw an explosion of knowledge and information, this will be true also of the twenty first century but magnified. Although we may marvel about Artificial Intelligence, we may nonetheless do so with a measure of hesitation wondering how this may affect humanity.

Already questions have been raised in certain employment sectors, writers for example are asking themselves will AI replace me? Similar concerns come when witnessing the rise of self-help automated grocery stores opening in some US markets. Music artists also test AI’s musical abilities and others showing us the successful reproduction of images and voice of well-known public figures that bear an exact resemblance of the original.

We then may ask ourselves, will human involvement become extinct in the face of Artificial Intelligence growth?

Though we have been living with Artificial Intelligence over the years at all economic levels of humanity perhaps without realizing it. Take for example smart phones, how smart these devices are knowing our search criteria offering back related options whether we are looking to buy a product or service. A similar result is found when using the computer.

Now this is true as well in our messaging and telephone conversation. Have you at times asked yourselves how your device feeds you back something you’re interested in?


It is inevitable that with the increased exposure of this type of Artificial Intelligence to the public, namely the Chat-GPT and the like, voices are quickly raising calling for the implementation of regulations for those companies involved in its manufacturing out of concerns for the risks that may leave users vulnerable.

We cannot ignore completely the voice of the likes of Elon Musk offer warnings on the risks AI may present or pay notice to the US Congress being urged to move quickly on AI legislation. Already in Europe the calls to regulate manufacturers and safeguard consumers are becoming increasingly louder.

Consumers the users

Artificial Intelligence is the new shining object, isn’t it?

Let’s face it without the risks we’re intrigued and excited with the possibilities of working with AI, making our workload lighter, more productive even creative with less effort.

Marketing efforts already underway promise limitless potential for businesses and individuals the software of tomorrow here today within our grasp.  For the many hours of labouring over creative writing I am most interested in finding an ear albeit artificial to prompt me with suggestions, insights and help with the written word, all for getting to my goal of a completed quality finished manuscript.

Businesses of all sorts continue to be challenged when it comes to online growth staying ahead of the curve because of competition and increased marketing costs and Artificial Intelligence offers a considerable window of opportunity that updates daily creating as well new employment opportunities to those trained in AI.

The internet has so evolved, it seems long ago from the days when we first glanced into cyber space through memorized codes to make it work, the blue screen monitor of a desktop computer coming to life with the ease of a click to enjoyable digital games like “Pac-Man” remember?

It moved with innovation fast forward at such speed many users of the old guard were left behind unable to keep up. Even now, it can be challenging but exciting learning the cons and pros of Artificial Intelligence, bringing the questions to an individual level about security, privacy, ethical behaviour of this artificial being.

A being which I understand has been fed enormous amounts of information to interact with us on demand. I am by no means an expert as I am still learning my way around it but am greatly appreciative of its potential and very curious. Aren’t you?

The Cons

  • AI has the potential to increase unemployment causing automation to replace a living breathing human being.
  • AI can make humans more vulnerable to privacy and security risks.
  • AI is devoid of human sensations and emotions.
  • AI is programmed to disclose information quickly, with preprogrammed feeding determining the information’s quality.
  • AI has the potential to create an unequal playing field by putting those without it at a disadvantage compared to those who do.

The Pros

  • Safety can be increased by way of using artificial intelligence in different manufacturing industries.
  • It can offer easier access to those living with disabilities, making their lives better.
  • AI can improve our quality of life and make daily tasks easier and more pleasurable while also enhancing our health.
  • Repetitive tasks can free up human resources to be used for other personal tasks.
  • AI is swift efficiency.
  • Operating AI is the difference between automatic or manual transmission.

Much remains to be learned about Artificial Intelligence, without doubt much is yet to come but while we may be supportive or skeptical one thing is true; Artificial Intelligence is the expression of the human brain at its finest.

Use it for the good of humanity and we’re blessed, use it for evil and we’ll be cursed. The first mentioned above all must be our goal.

Meanwhile, let’s keep improving on a personal level while navigating and learning more about Artificial Intelligence.

Harness the power, yes, or no?


Priscilla Hudson

©All rights reserved.













Enjoy Living Your Life Now

Because tomorrow is promised to no one.


Each one of us at times have either witnessed loss of life or have suffered losing a loved one ourselves. This is a reality in front of us daily in fact it is part of life. The cycle of life as we understand it.

When this happens, many of us are forced to stop our daily pace to reflect even for a moment what that person meant to us and how he or she lived her life. Invariably it causes us to step back and realize how brief life really is hopefully impressing in us how we must learn to enjoy our life here and now and do it.

Let us look at these four points that may distract us much too often from doing it:

  • Lacking financial resources
  • Lacking a companion, spouse, good friend to do things with
  • Lack of available time
  • No motivation

Lacking Financial Resources

It is easy to fall into the state of mind of thinking that we are not able to enjoy ourselves because we lack funds to take a trip somewhere away from our routine and get into a different scenery. True taking a trip for recreation and rest is always a well anticipated undertaking with positive results.

However, we need to learn to take each day in our routine to appreciate the positive aspects of getting up from our bed each morning, taking a shower, brushing our teeth, dressing up for work, or errands, preparing our coffee and breakfast and then riding to work by car bus or by train.

The secret to discover is learning to live through each of these moments of our day placing our mental capabilities and emotions to enjoy each one just because we are living and breathing through each one. Not merely existing.

A complement to us if we share these moments with those meaningful persons in our life, those we love and form a prominent place in our nucleus.

Do not wait to have the financial resources to begin.

Lacking a companion, spouse, good friend to do things with

I know how lovely it can be sharing the moments of life with someone close and dear to our heart and how difficult it can be otherwise.

We are humans with emotions needs and wants similar in ways to what makes dogs man’s best friend, because we want to have a sense of belonging.

To come home after a day’s work and have someone close with whom to share how our day went, or simply someone to embrace, have conversations with, plan a meal, or have a meal with. Someone to attend the theatre, watch a film, travel with, and complain to.


Otherwise, how can I do these things?

Here is where those of us alone need to call unto our mental capabilities and creativity to do just these things I have listed and more.

Create for yourself a corner in the place you call home a setting that surrounds you with the colours you love, the textures you prefer, the books and magazines that transport you to the sceneries and places you would want to dream with and travel even if only in your mind.

Place there too fragrances and wares attractive to your senses and taste, like a set of fine porcelain to enjoy your favourite flavour of teas, biscuits and the like. And why not add music you enjoy for when you will need to distress.

Life alone can become quite enjoyable but for a lot of us, a little bit more planning is required while for others it will become more natural like the spring.

Be present for yourself.

Lack of Available Time

This is the usual reality for most of us unfortunately in most cases the increase in the cost-of-living puts added pressure in the number of hours we must work to generate our income.

Individual cases vary but under added pressure increased stress is the by product. Stress we know extremely well deprive us the sense of well-being creating the inability to relax while increasing our health risks.

Lack of available time must not become a banner under which we should place ourselves keeping us from seeking ways to enjoy life. Organize your calendar and prioritize activities which are simple enough to achieve weekly. A relax walk, a salsa class or jazz even if home alone, a fun film, a good night rest, etcetera.


No motivation

Lack of motivation usually present itself due to a sense of loss, loss of something and even a sense of loss of someone. When this is the case, a self-evaluation would be recommended and may be necessary. Why do I lack motivation? What makes me tick? Why am I not ticking?

Good questions to ask oneself. Are you in a rot because of job burnout? In need of achieving new goals perhaps? A broken relationship? Telling yourself, what is the point? Depressed?

We find ourselves on this curve at times in our lives, it can happen to us if we are breathing. The importance of it, is not to stay in this curve for too long. Analise your situation and identify the reason. Once you understand the why, move on to identify the how I overcome it.

Make every effort to overcome it, find sources of encouragement through inspirational messages, talking with someone you trust and respect, seeking professional advice, if necessary, get it off your chest with a close friend or loved one that will respect your privacy. Share wisely.

Give yourself a reasonable time to find your way back to motivation street. Once there explore new ways to enjoy the beauty in the simple things in life, the blooming flowers, the fresh brewed coffee with a chocolate covered croissant, the evening chamomile tea, a gym workout, that leisure walk, a warm and tight hug and watch how the sunny days return.

Life for us all may come with some complexities in varying degrees the secret worth pursuing is learning how best to live it while at the same time enjoying the journey.


Priscilla Hudson

©All Rights Reserved


With Wings as Eagles

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40: 31)


It has been a few years now when I had to accompany a friend of mine to conduct a task, I wish not on anyone. Her only daughter had died at sixteen years of age in a car accident, although she had been kept alive for nearly a month through an artificial life support, my friend waited praying for a healing miracle, but after days rolled out without change and after a tremendous emotional struggle and soul searching, her mother had finally agreed to let her go. She (her mother) arrived at the place of peace.

I helped my friend as we walked through the door of the funeral home where she needed to make all the arrangements, my friend’s whole body trembled laboring hard to take each step forward, I felt her hesitation but could only imagine her agony. Nevertheless, I kept holding her the whole way through to complete the process.

This time will live forever in my memories, still difficult to grasp to this day, and even though my friend tries to move on, I know she lives with the pain. How can one who has lost so much truly surrender into the loving arms of our Lord Jesus and take hold of this promise.

Our own words of comfort can only be a band-aid to a deep and open wound, if at that; for only the words of our Lord and Saviour can reach deeply into the wounded soul. He alone has the power, love, and compassion to fill us with peace in our suffering especially when we are in despair.


God Alone

God alone understands our pain through our loss, and He alone can mend us, repair us, and help us accept, if we let him; he will help us discover a new strength in him and make us able to sing a new song with tears in our eyes.

Have you now or in the past, experience deep and painful losses in your life? Please accept that you need him to carry you through and tell him everything holding in your heart, ask him to help you, He will without fail.

Priscilla Hudson

© All Rights Reserved


On The Road to Prosperity

Prosperity is synonyms of wealth, affluence, and riches the whole of humanity however superficial grasps what it means, the notion of it at least in worldly terms.

Millions of us desire to attain this prosperity, these riches to place ourselves in a level which would offer us a comfortable life and are willing to labour hard towards its achievement. But however simple it may sound there is no doubt we will agree it is one of the hardest accomplishments.

Achieving freedom in finances takes considerable effort and expertise it requires much more than just setting your mind to it contrary to what self-proclaimed gurus preach. They say “Just set your mind to it”

The financial aspect of prosperity is that it is one of the components, prosperity is much more complex because to be truly prosperous we need to dig in deeper adding a more valuable of these components which is the spiritual aspect of prosperity.

Read on open to reviewing the information presented here. Take what it says adding those insightful nuggets to your pouch of knowledge. Process it in your mind and apply it as you think is best in your own circumstances creating your own experiences.


Starting from a Basic


Spending less from what we earn in – Simple

This is a general rule of thumb to comprehend, isn’t it?

It means starting from a basic to build financial wealth and setting your mind to it, in other words, it is a basic mindset. A basic principle.

However simple it is worth to think it further.

There are individuals who think that mindset is about scrimping in saving dollars here and there in being frugal with some small items’ expenditures but fail to apply the principle in non-essential more expensive purchases.

Sacrifice buying vitamins and supplements for buying cosmetics and perfumes, buying a large flat TV over buying a needed washer. Not to mention buying a brand-new car from the dealership by taking a bank loan over buying an affordable older model.

It means planning carefully starting from the bottom and building up. It also means


Not Keeping Up with the Joneses


True sound financial mindset consists in always making the profit exceed the expenditure. Wear the old clothes a bit longer if essential; give up the new pair of gloves; fix the old dress: exist on plainer food if necessary; so that, under all conditions, unless an unexpected accident happens, there will be an allowance in favour of the profit.

Saving a dollar here and there adds up but it requires discipline planning goal setting. This is mindset. Evolving within this frame of mind. Learn it. Train it. Let it become part of you, you will discover there is more satisfaction in rational saving than irrational spending.


Diarise it


Keeping track of monthly expenditures is an excellent habit to keep if you already do it. To learn it if you have not been tracking them. A simple method I follow is to simply write in my annual dairy my household expenses: utilities, fees, services, maintenance, charity, out of pocket irregulars that from time to time arise.

When buying items like groceries, car gasoline, pharmacy even dining out, pay it with a debit card because it will show in the bank account where I can go and review if needed.

Adjust your entries to accommodate your circumstances. What is important is to track it. This is only a suggestion you can be as thorough or as sophisticated as you prefer. Simple works well for me.

Taming higher expenses versus Income is a greater challenge and using all the tools and ideas available to help achieve it its half the road ahead.


Unnecessary Debt


This speaks to our consumerism society where we find ourselves in with the tendency to borrow funds to accumulate non-essential items. This is unnecessary debt. I say accumulate because it is. Being a minimalist style fan has enlightened me to this wonderful sense of less is more.

Necessary debt translates into the need to borrow funds to invest into the purchase of our home, our economy style used vehicle. Getting more creative necessary debt sometimes is advisable when investing in an income producing asset like real estate. Here a careful review of terms would be useful and should only be acceptable after evaluating the risk thoroughly.

Therefore, avoid unnecessary debt. Do not live beyond your means. Plan for setbacks, emergencies and when these happen the ability to manage them financially will help greatly.


Tame Impulsive Buying


Impulsive buying is impulsive without planning, on the fly, how wonderful it feels to give in to our impulses, it gives us pleasure, it makes us happy. Until the bill arrives. We all have been there. It is difficult initially, but it can be tamed. See it not as a great denial to oneself, but as a goal, building upon blocks one may name “savings” “investments” “emergencies” Discover the satisfaction of accumulated results.


True Prosperity


True prosperity is much more than material wealth. Its arriving at a place of enjoying inner peace, a tranquil life, with the side benefits of material comfort.

Its multi-dimensional in that the greater component fills us with our spiritual wellbeing. Discovering a true spiritual source to nurture our soul, finding our way in the spiritual realm whereby our true joy, peace, happiness is not dependant upon that which is material.

The true source I speak of is none other than God Himself specifically through the Person of Jesus Christ. He described Himself in the Gospels to being the Light, the Bread of Life, the Vine, the Joy of the world, from Whom rivers of living water flow.

The spiritual fountain our true prosperity offers us the Way upwards in our circumstances, through our circumstances, despite our circumstances, because it reveals who we are and who we can be. From the moment we believe His message it can only get better to become truly prosperous.




If your faith centered source is found elsewhere, relax. God gave you the free will to believe differently.


Priscilla Hudson

© All rights reserved



How to enjoy reading?

I remember my father was an avid reader who delighted himself in the written word. When he was not following other activities, he was in his small study sitting on a wooden chair near a window with book in hand reading.

The enjoyment of reading showed on his face.

For him reading was more than an exercise of study. It was a viable medium of entertainment. You see my father was of the old school.

Born when the printing presses were the main source of the written communication. The beginning of the twentieth century.

By necessity he read for learning the basics at first. The ABCs, math and science were the primary school topics of the day.

Sometime during his upbringing and after receiving instruction from his primary teacher, my father discovered a liking to reading about historical figures.

This was through his social studies classes. He also found the power of connecting the alphabet to form words and numbers that related to everything around him.

He became literate. realizing he could understand everything written that fell into his hands words and numbers had meaning.

That was the case for those fortunate people of the time in the back of his woods.


Making Progress

After progressing from his basic learning, he moved up in his reading and into deeper subjects.

He evolved well into what later he felt was to be his calling to evangelize and spread the Gospel of Jesus in his native Guatemala.

This is when I met him. You may wonder why I say it like this. I met my father when I was born didn’t I? Yes and no. As a child a little girl yes, I met my dad and knew him as my father, and he knew me as his daughter.

It was not until I was in my teens that I noticed his love for reading and appreciated how knowledgeable he was in his craft. It was because he devoted a good deal of his time reading on the topics, he would be speaking about to the church congregation.


Have a Simple Method

The notes in the journals he kept helped organized the order of his reading and studies. These in turn provided the sources from which he made his discernments and conclusions.

In the seventies and before then money was hard to come by. When you came into possessing it naturally you thought long and hard on how and where to spend it. For my father, the choice was a no brainer.

After paying the house bills and for food, he would buy another book, a magazine, or a publication about his favourite subject.

The wooden shelves in his small study proudly displayed the collection of books he acquired over the years. Most were read and reviewed more than once by him and my mother. Scribbles and notations in their handwriting were in many of them.

Finding pieces of paper within their pages with written observations ideas and quotes was not unusual, it was like keeping sticky notes the way we use today.

My siblings and I still marvel at his love for reading it seems a couple among us inherited the love.


How then can we grow our enjoyment for reading?

Fast forward to today this question can be a challenge. Why? For the simple reason we are constantly bombarded with information. Written and otherwise. Not a terrible thing in the least, however full of daily distractions.

One must call on our creativity and imagination to produce ways that will motivate us as much as the distractions are distracting. We must determine ways to help us have fun with reading.


Make a visit to your favourite bookstore

How do you remember feeling upon entering a bookstore? I am thinking of one of those physical stores strategically placed within an attractive shopping plaza somewhere near or not so near home.

You have arrived prepared to browse through the isles these isles are meticulously organized by categories and gender, a large array of beautifully made books and magazines with glossy covers and inviting descriptions.

Walking through slowly you read titles from home remodeling and decorating to learning a foreign language, say Spanish, to the latest romance novels to the Religion section.

There you pause suddenly engulfed with the fragrance of fresh brewed coffee coming from the side of the bookstore where a wink from a comfortable armchair invites you to a cup along the copy of that magazine on parenting you were beginning to read.


Relax and Gather Information

So far, your time within these walls evoke relaxation the gathering of information in a relaxed and pleasant manner.

You may have come only to browse and get the year’s agenda but as your eyes feed on the attractive printed publications, you remember how much you would enjoy reading.

Going ahead you select a few short stories for yourself and a couple novels for the evenings after the dishes have been put away, the better half is fast asleep, or the children have gone to bed.

Now you have connected the enjoyment this visit has brought you with a physical undertaking for reading. Your memory will store this visit with all the pleasantries associated with it. This will cause you to visit, read and repeat.


Can the online bookstore visit be as pleasant as the physical bookstore visit?

Yes, it can. In diverse ways it certainly can.

More than likely, you have heard the expression that says, “A man’s castle is his home.” This is true for a good majority of us. For in our home, we devise the places that make us the most comfortable, loving, and private.

We can browse online at a pace we choose sitting comfortably somewhere in our kitchen, home office or bedroom, with beverages and snacks conveniently within reach.

Searching online we can leisurely gather all sorts of information all the while reading and absorbing. In a comparable way we do the same while browsing the physical bookstore isles being careful to remain focus on the written material we seek.

Internet browsing and reading can be a very enjoyable activity even more so nowadays with the enhanced technology available.


Nice Viewing and Reading Tools

High quality resolution imagery, adjustable font sizes and styles, adjustable monitor light for day or night, desktop sizes and quality the previous century may only have dreamed about.

This is true and applies as well when we are browsing online and reading from an office environment with the given differences influenced by the type of office, we find ourselves in.

Remembering that the subject we are on is about how to enjoy reading. It helps to associate the enjoyment of reading with an environment conducive redundancy allowed, to enjoy it.

This creates a pleasant memory, which creates a pleasant motivation, which provides us with encouragement to carry it out and get it done.


Developing the Habit

Once the habit of reading grows and develops the routine becomes second nature, one day you realize “I enjoy reading” your imagination takes flight. Finding pleasure in reading comes for your mind and heart creatively. Your skills improve your knowledge increase.

Learning how to read starts early as early as nursery rhymes. It will be up to us how much or how little we will make it an active part of our daily routine.

I say this because unfortunately not everyone in the world today enjoy reading. Reading as the priority it should be and spend extraordinarily little time in this effort.

For my father and mother too, I should describe it as a passion, sacrificing other items of less importance to them to purchase the written word for learning increased knowledge or simple pleasure.

They would have been amazed browsing through the bookstore isles virtual or not while sipping the aromatic fresh brewed coffees and lattes we take so much for granted where we pay no more than frivolous attention at best.


In Conclusion

The enjoyment of reading I believe is a cultivated habit purposeful and intentional. One that is of immense value for the rest of our lives, from when we learned to put our first sentences together to becoming the next Hemingway as a result.

If you have not done so, begin by setting a goal for yourself choosing a topic to read you are likely to enjoy. Whatever the topic may be, nothing harmful, nothing dark, but something you will enjoy.

Each day prepare to be in a quiet and pleasant setting, comfortable with the printed or virtual work in hand surrounded by what brings you imageries of pleasant and relax and finish the reading. If a book one per month, if an article two per month, if a short story be it of similar time. And do it to the finish line.


Is it True that to be a good writer you need to be a good Reader?

I do not claim to be an expert and able to answer this question inequitable but let me answer based on observation and common sense.

Unless you have already covered most of the information on any given subject, and you know clearly in your mind what you will be writing about, reading needs to be an active part of a daily routine.

Identifying the subject and the type of writing we need to read to expand our understanding is the first hurdle to conquer.

I find it a huge step forward once I can set a goal on what is it, I need to concentrate my reading. Prior to that I find myself fumbling around.

Almost feeling stress unable to put into words something brewing in my mind. An idea about something I would like to write but do not know quite yet how to bring it together.

Here what I do is to steadfastly keep on reading.

This to feed my mind the habit on purpose while keeping a note pad in hand for when ideas start to flow.


Here is a Suggestion

I buy inexpensive notebooks with lines on white bond paper size 14.9 cm x 20.1 cm in a variety of cover colours and using a permanent marker I print a name on the cover which tells me what my notes are about.

Having a few notebooks on a variety of subjects, an orange colour notebook name “Spiritual” where I wrote notes from Bible reading and video recorded messages from speakers I respect.

I wrote notes on their teaching about topics that helped me to write a thirty-day prayer journal I have prepared for publication.

A green colour notebook marked MA where I write notes about affiliate marketing training.

A notebook colour yellow marked ANGEL containing my handwritten fictional story in que for publication. HIDDEN ANGEL.

I find looking over my collection of notebooks containing my handwritten notes is a part of me which motivates me, organizes me, keeping my focus on reading to improve my writing.

I leave you with this question:

What Other Benefits Would You Say Come from Reading?


Priscilla Hudson

© All Rights Reserved





reading and coffee priscilla hudson